Mastering MIGS series

Uterine Manipulation
Mastering MIGS III:
Live Robotic Surgery on a Cadaveric Model
Thursday, February 2, 2023 | 7:30 PM ET | Demonstrate in a cadaveric model a safe & efficient approach to TLH with robotic assistance Analyze potential obstacles to effective uterine manipulation, from patient factors to bedside assistant...
Presented by
Arnold P. Advincula, MD, FACOG, FACS
Chetna Arora, MD, FACOG

Uterine Manipulation
Mastering MIGS II:
Surgical Simulation to Increase Proficiency in Hysterectomy & Reproductive Surgery
Demonstrate interplay of uterine manipulation with optimization of surgical exposure. Formulate best practice techniques for colpotomy & vaginal cuff...
Presented by
Arnold P. Advincula, MD, FACOG, FACS
Chetna Arora, MD, FACOG

Uterine Manipulation
Mastering MIGS I:
The Foundatiounal In's & Out's of Uterine Manipulation
Develop a framework for case-based device selection & trouble-shooting. Demonstrate assembly of the various uterine manipulator platforms. Demonstrate proper use and setup of the ALLY® UPS...
Presented by
Arnold P. Advincula, MD, FACOG, FACS
Chetna Arora, MD, FACOG